There is a commonly used saying, “those who are closer to the problem are closer to the solution, but farthest away from access to power." This has to change, and the only way to change this imbalance or access to influence is by electing people who look like us, share our values, but most importantly have similar lived experiences as we do to best represent what we need.
For too long we have allowed the media and exclusionary standards set by a patriarchal power structure to discourage every day working people especially women and racial and ethnic minorities from running for elected positions.
Every day people have every day problems— We can’t always pay our bills (especially medical) on time so we get sued. We or close family members may have some form of criminal system contact often because to matters beyond control. However, the media and candidates often exploit these every day problems through biased news stories and character assassination. These every day problems are used to imply every day people are not worthy of holding elected positions.
Such attacks are not designed to keep bad people out of office, but are designed to keep good hard working every day working people from getting in. Those who attack us with every day problem backgrounds know once every day people get into office, we will begin to address solutions which often cause our everyday problems.
Women of Color Nebraska Caucus will work to recruit everyday people to run, especially women. We will dismantle those standards which not only discourage every day people from running but also every day people from voting.
After all, it can’t be about us without us - our every day working class problems and all.